The Herald-News from Passaic, New Jersey (2024)

North Jersey Herald 8 News NORTH JERSEY 365-3222 MONDAY-FRIDAY 8 A.M.-5 P.M. REAL ESTATE DISPLAY 365-3055 CLASSIFIED TELECOPIER 365-3057 Disclaimer Help Wanted 20 Help Wonted 20 Help Wanted 20 Help Wanted 20 Help Wanted 20 Help Wanted 20 Help Wanted 20 Help Wanted 20 Monday, March 28, 1988 BOOKKEEPER Up to GL. AR, AP 4 oilier wortod dutira. Exceil bntt. kid profit tourma.

34S-3BS0, Ronnie. AUTO SALESPEOPLE AM bntts. exceH pay plan. New bar dame. Call Bob Lesko Sr.

or Bob Lesko Jr Wayne Subaru 83S-47O0. CLERK TYPWT-P ART -nUE Wrat Patorson small salra oHk requires experienced typist with excellent phons personality tor aen-aral office duties. Flex, part fima hr. Please ceil Annette at 898-1810 CUSTOMER SERVICE EXCEPTIONAL ASSIGNMENTS IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE! TOP PAY! PLEASANT SURROUNDINOSV NO FEESNO CONTRACTS CL6KAL Seeking an energetic person to loin our growing telecommunication firm. Dufies inctodt general office filing, updating library references billing analysis and light typing.

Full or FT possible Good benefits. Call Dorothy at 935-9208. IMMEDIATE DRIVER- School VanBus Exp not TRAIN; All lie. fee paid, good hrly rate for exp. Hed SB Driv-.

er, bonus toot! 337-6664 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Per large manufecturina ca In Clifton. Aeaticmt mint have l-I yen tot in AP ns. Duties wiH to-cluda matching mwn A sur-efiue entors to invotcra 4 sntarme on CRT. Contact Pereanral for ot: Keystone Camera Corn. 474GtttyAv.

Clittoa NJ 07015 546-2000 an equei oppty employer (MF) ASSEMBLY WAREHOUSE PERSONNEL POOL 126 Market St. Paterson, NJ Equal Opportunity Employer MF MONDAY NORTH JERSEY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONES, 365-3222 Morris-EssexArea 575-1337. CLASSIFIED DEADLINES DAY PRIOR CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 2 DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLICATION SPECIAL BARGAIN BUSTERS-for Non-Commercial adver-lisers. 3Unes7days 515.00 Minimum Charpa Not all classifications accent-ad at this rale. 1 NOTICE After an ad is ordered it cannot be cancelled or changed prior to the first insertion.

CREDIT FOR CANCELLATIONS is given only on issuance ot special kill number to advertiser when cancellation requested. Advertiser must retain kill number for future reference. ttonce PLEASE: Liston Carefully When Your Ad la Read Back To You. ADVERTISER IS LIABLE FOR FIRST INSERTION ALSO: Check Your Ad The First Dev It Appears, tt Wo Made A Mistake, We Will Be Glad To Correct II At No Charge To You. WE DO NOT Assume Responsibility For Errors in ADS After the FIRST DAY.

NOTE: Amounts On Linage AND OR Prices Quoted By Advisors Art Estimated Only; No Guorantoo On Prices ANDOR Linage Can Be Made At The Time Of Placement. Occasionally Instruct Ions ate misunderstood. When you have a claim tor an error or omission pleas, call Classified Department Immediately as North Jersey HERALD A NEWS wilt be responsible tor only one Incorrect insertion. CLERK TYPIST Part time, mommas 9-1. Call 256-0685 SANkIMSLE N01VQ COACH OPERATOR NW Bergen County bus oper.

for daily transit line. Good pay, steady work including Charter. Exp on standard shift GUI equip. necessary. 337-6664 COLLECTION CLERK BI-LINGUAL Excellent opportunity for an experienced collection clerk at one of New Jersey's fastest growing banks, ideal cend ida tmu5t he veknowledge of consumer col lectin, repossessions end delinquency reporting.

Must be fluent in Spanish Competitive starting salary and benefits. Call I02-07OO Ext. 210 for interview. PEOPLES BANK N.A. Equal Opportunity Employer MF C0LLECT10NSAR Experienced.

Research 4 reconciling chargebacks, correspondence, heavy phone wort 4 Interfacing with safes force. Excellent bnft package. Saddle Brook location. Call 843-2900 Ext 239 COLLECTORS Maior mortgage co. Modem luxurious office atmosphere located in Clifton has entry level position in our Mortgage Collection Dept.

Exp pref, but not ntc-will train. Strong phone voice. Hrs from Hem-7pm. Room for advancement. All paid bnfts For interview please call Mrs Regan at 201-3650700 COMPUTER ENTRY IBM PC.

Growing Clifton company select hours Exc. Benefits. Salary to $16,600. Pius, Paid voluntary OT desired. HOLM PERSONNEL Consultants, Clifton Ave Clifton.

7704535. COMPUTER OPERATOR Rapidly growing service co In Clifton seeks several motivated Individuals to handle diversified functions in busy data center. Willing to train full co. pid benefits. Cell Personnel: 471-6030.

Equal Opportunity Employer. CONSTRUCTION LABORER Must have drivers license. Good pay 4 bnfts. Barrett Development Corp 327-Q9H Construction Laborer' Wayne eree, resident leL- CONVEYOR-WORK Assemble, must drill end cap prints, toots, some axp. needed.

JG Machine, 75 Spring Pet 81-7000. COUNTER HELPDry cleaner seeks exp'd FT. Good pay, paid vacation, paid holiday. Call 628-7004. COUNTER PERSON For busy Passaic dry cleaner.

Varied duties. FTPT Good bnfts. Will train. Flax hrs Call 471-8517 CREDIT COLLECTIONS MGR. Lrg business concern In Bergen Ctv seeks an exper'd proff to assume mgmnt of collections dept.

Candidate should have min 5 vrs exper wsuccessful col lections track record. offer a competitive starting salary 4 comprehensive benefit pkg ind dental For further info, call Nancy 933-8500 EOE. CREDITC0LL. $24,000 Meadowlands eons, giant seeking Asst, for Credit area. Degree Ideal I Fee Pdf 473-4617, Irwin Personnel 30 Howe, Passaic since 1914 CREDIT MANAGER yearly.

Mfg corp. Location: Peremus, NJ. Must have min 3 yrs axp. in credit and collections. Any ecct.

knowledge helpful. Exc. growth poti. Exc co. benefits.

Hours 9-5. Interview held In NYC. Call 212-664-4910 CRT OPER RECEPT. Divers duties AR, fnven. Good figures.

Some exp. Tammy 777-4454 CRTORDER ENTRY Typing a must. Full time, l-Som. Apply in person. See Jean Hood Hoboken Paints, 40 industrial Rd, Lodi.

CUSTODIAN For in Wayne Sun-Thurt, 7 38-4. Pleasant working conds Call Mark Shore 595-0108 CUSTOMER RELATIONS INSIDE SALES Leading Clifton are mfg corp. seeks indiv. with degree plus inside sales exp. in a mfg environment.

Must have mechanical aptitude. Will estimate prices, establish quotes end drew up price sheets. Fee paid To $25,000. IRWIN PERSONNEL 10 Howe Ave, Passaic, 473-4617 See tor yourself how quickly classified ad work! CALL 365-3222 NOTICE-; This newspaper supports the NJ. Law against Discrimination, R.S.

at and the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1940 and- will not knowingly accept employment or housing advertising which violates either law. All employment opportunities and housing advertised in this newspaper are available an "At Equal Opportunity" basis Notice to prospective ranters: Any rents advertised herein for qualified real rental property may be subiect to any rebate or credit by State Law (N.J.S. TEMPORARIES 42 CLIFTON AVE CLIFTON 472-3900 1700 RTE 23 NORTH. WAYNE 633-8555 0 RTE 4 EAST, PARAMUS 043-9300 Customer Service EXCELLENT PART-TIME POSITION FOR OUR CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT Wa currently have several open pertmsnt If you have axparianca 1 anfoy working with tha public I can work WEEKENDS from S30amto1'30pjii CALL 8644200 tor more kite. CUSTOMER SERVICE Bright self-sterteR needed for busy customer service dept.

Must have pleasant phone manner. Duties will mcl handling phone orders, followup 4 preparing customer credits on return. Cell Nancy at 4894444. SOMMER 4 MACA 345 LODI STREET HACKENSACK, NJ CUSTOMER SERVICE Log incoming customers, phone request ter service 4 dispatch seeled technicians. Exceil customer skills 4 It typg reqd.

Contact Service Mgr at 4345540. Good starting salary 4 bnfts, EOE CUTTERS Experienced table law operators. Call 742-2750 DATA ENTRY CLERK Bright indiv needed to perform data entry tor data processing dept. Contact Ms. Lottie Diiuba at 227-7200 or apply Wilmor Inc 39 Plymouth St, Fairfield EOE.

DATA ENTRY CLERK-Locel trucking co. needs mature, responsible person for Date Entry light tiiina 4 various office duties. Full co. bnfts. Hr 4pm-mldnight.

Iron Bound sect, Newark 3444400. DATA ENTRY Rraeonslbt. parson to do orrisr entry. billlne A anwral ctorical functions Enretl salary It frlng bnfti Call 47150D0- rat. 150 (Marten Zv-bura) Equal Oraorfiinity Etngtovsr MF DEU CLERK 3-4 nights, 44 30pm 4 Sat.

184pm or Sun. 8-2pm. DeGraaf Dairies, Van Houten Ave Clifton. Call Marilyn or Debbie, 779-1960 DELI HELP Full Tim days, good pay, bntts, flex hrs Glannelie Deiit yy A a r-fiio-w 3 97SS DfcU hcwP WaNTEO Full 4 pert time, xperienc nec. Cousins Gourmet Deli 523-1597 DENTAL ASSISTANT CUSTOMER SERVICE Exceil entry lev pos In Cost Sve tor growing DenteiOrthodontlc co.

Carter edvemt to tech svc. Mktg sales. College degree reQ'd Full Mlery 4 bnfts Cell Mr. Rezze, Vtedtcal Magnetics. 201-0254749.

Ridgewood area. DENTAL ASSISTANT Are You carine, dependable 4 art-liusiastic? Do you want to be appelated in a qualify I doctor office? You ere needed 3W days 32 hrs. NO SATURDAYS. X-rav lie 4 exp Nees. West Essex, 229-2244.

DENTAL ASSISTANT Looking tor in enthusiastic caring person with x-ray lie. FT, 4 days. No week-mds. Call 8354193. DENTAL ASSISTANT Clifton Ava.

extension AN to stert immediately. Celt 7704662 DENTAL ASSISTANT 4 days, no Sets Exp ret 696-5444 DENTAL ASSISTANT-PT. am 4 am hrs avail. X-rav tic req'd. Clifton eree Call 7734242.

DENTAL HYGIENIST FTPT. Wayne. Friendly pet lent centered aroup practice that appreciates its staff. Excellent salary. 694-2220 DENTAL HYGIENIST PT.

Mon. 0 38-5 Wed. 0 30-12 Thurs. 30-12 or 64pm alternating Sets, er every Set. from 8 30-1 for privet practice located in Fair Lewn 7974464 DISHWASHER-PT, Fri 4 Sat, Giorgio's 240 Rt, 46 East Elmwood Park, 797-9388.

Dish WasherSous Chef North Haiedon, 423-9209 DOCUMENTATION CLERK Secaucus based co seeking clerk tor documentation. Should have import background, light typing Willing to tram Ceil 3414400, Steve. DRAFTMAN Minimum 3 years experience In PC board layout end sheet metal design. Must have creative talent. Knowledge of computer elded design desirable Good benefits.

4W day work week Apply in person to Precision Controls tnc 14 Doty Road, Haskett, NJ. mTSelde work. Need refiabto cer, Sal emit, 4724228. DRfVER-For I DRIVER-Fer 22' route truck OT. good pay 4 bnfts.

Apply in person Cipvpreilp Foods, 100 Rlverdeie Rood, I verbal 394800 aczmiDi BOOKKEEPING ASSISTANT Exs. req'a 37W hr meek, modem eneiiwerlnp ca, Bergen County to-catna Knowledge A DP, eeyroll, invetdng, lyomg, filing esrantipl. Prefer CRT exa Good Marling salary A bnfti which met. 401 K. II in-terraled, call tor aoo, A4 X.

Mon. bmi Fri (30!) 36A01SS. MF EOE BUHGULAAFWE ALARMS al company raak. I ratal tori 1-1 yr. axa drairabto.

Will orate tor ratran. BMltutory baaed on axa Call 423-01M for pool. BUS PERSON Lunches only, lull lime. Cab lor sool, 327-34IA Frederick's Inn, Mom. Civ.

BUTCHER with rao, full fimt tor retail More. Cab 391-4364 CAFETERIA HELP Paraaic Valley High School Call between Horn, WO-2511 CAFETERIA In Paramut to Mek-ing ail eoufiora- Starting rata at to.00hr. National co wgood bnfil No wknd. or hotidavi Cab 3450040 ext 3434 biw 7am-3am. CAFETERIA POSITION Aveilabta (Utility).

In W. Pel Man thru Fri 7m-3om. Bnlli Call 7-ilem881-549lEOE MFHV. CARPENTERS-Exaerienced. Must have valid driver, licerae.

Own tool. traraaorlalion 339 2334. CARPENTERS A HELPERS Exp'd in meet rock A metal Nudi Call Bib attar 4am, 43M1M CARPENTERS A MASONS HELPER Steady work. Must depend-abto. Good wages A working condifiora.

Call 954J4S9 CARPENTERS. SHEETROCKERS A SPACKLERS NEEDED Al least 3yrt exp. Call Joba 772-492. CASHIER-FT OR PT Good pay 4 bnfts. Various hrs avail.

Ceil for aopt 8454833, NY GoHCntr 101 Rt 46, Saddle Brook. CASHIERKITCH HELP-PT days 55.251, PT vw 4 wkandi IS 00 hr. No axp noc. Apply 2-Spm Skuf-fr'9 Subs, 84 Goff to Rd, Hawthorn CASHIER Mon-Fr, 8 4pm. DeGraaf Dairies, 835 Van Houten Avt Clifton.

Ceil Marilyn, 779-1960 CHEMICAL FACTORY WORK-ER Good oppty tor hard working indiv drum handling filling, unloading trucks forklift. Will tram. Good ca bnfts. Wayna arte. Call Mr.

Ulbrandt at 696-7575. CHEMICAL WORKERS (3) Seif starters needed tor 2no 4 3rd shift. General chemical factory work. xci lent benefits. Pleasant atmosphere.

Call Dean Tuas and Thurs only, 278-2008. CLEANERGENERAL MAINTENANCE Must know how to use cleaning chemicals 4 equipment. FT or PT, day or night. Call Bob 779-2980 8-3pm, Mon. thru Thurs.

CLEANERS Full end pert fima, good pay. Roseland area and vicinity. Call 643-4063 CLEANrng PT 6ve wwn.Pft FAlRFlfckD e- PHONE NECESSARY 201-478-2644 CLEANING Fast growing1 ins. cleaning service seeking skilled indiv, davseves fobs throughout Bergen Passaic, Essex Counties. Flex hrs.

Call 933-6966. CLEANING PERSONS-PT in Rutherford area. 1-3 hrs, 5 nights wk. Clean mod office bldg. Good pay.

Starting In May. 777-2719. IMMEDIATE CLERICAL GROWING CO Seeks resoora. Indiv. tor data entry A gen'l office dutira.

Must be good with (laurel We're willing to trefa Giveusecell WH Linen. 3704350 CLERICAL -AH COLLECTION CLERK exp'd In Dunning, collection, estob-llsiiing linos of credit. Ability to problem solve A follow thru. Salary commensurate with experience. Good benefit ancknaa Call 4944H0A -5pm.

CLERICAL ASSISTANT Cliftoa Beautiful office, excel lent r.isra. Varied dutiei include fight typing computer end pbonei Some office exp needed. SIS, 300. HOLM PERSONNEL Connsuitanti 1135 Clifton Clittoa 775-0535. CLERICAL Busy office sens bright Individual tor diversified dutiei Co.

presently in Carlstadt, but moving to Mahweb wlthing I yr. Duties Include telephones, (lira, processing mail and some typing. Co. bnfil Phone Frank or Mark at 933-9335 CLCRICAL-Buey ttnguai tndtv EngbeMMtan. Gwt ertwa Exp ereTd.

Hr 4-5, PaassU are. Good bnfta Mad, 77g-110. GLERtCALDISTRiBUTION Indiv nesdsd to bela fill position la voiving both our dieting A distribution ctorical tunctiora. Chaltongma eon wprogresrivolv rapidly trowing ca Good gey A bntts. Call Al Silber at 3939100.

1 CLERICAL Filing A misc ctorical dutiei Full time. No typing 3939100, gxt. 39 CLERICAL Gen office duties tor sect, deal of electrical contractor ki Totowe. Hrs 1-5. Min axa req'd.

Full bntts ottered Contact Andy, 705-0414. CLERICAL OPPORTUNITIES ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE VtM ACCOUNTING CLERK 17,004 DATA ENTRY CLERK SIAM CLERK TYPISTS (4) Sl4.on( RECEPTIONISTS S15M GALG FRIDAY SI4JW SHIPPING CLERK S13JM ENTRY LEVELCLERICAL 11,000 NOFEE NOCONTRACT K's PERSONNEL 1050 Clifton Ave Clittoa NJ 777-5550 CLERICALv-Reentorlng lob market, excel clerical opptv, PT or FT typing required Cell 544-4373. CLERICAL SECRETARIES S16-25K Setwai openings in Passaic, Bea gen A Morris counties tor our prestigious clionti Good typing A atoraant personality are the maxi eueiificatiora. CLERK TYPISTS J14-17K Morril PssulC A Euex county cb-tnts in need at clericals wtvping skills at 40wpm, atoesant soeak-ine voice A a desire to work in a erowtti oriented ca RECEPTIONIST S13-17K Our citonto in Prasnic A Morris count in ere searching tor rap'd Recetks light typing. Must tmoy busyonviren wheavy phonei For More tnto OH Lana NEVERAFEE BRADSTREET Executive search 201-784242 13 Furtor St, Totowa, NJ 07512 Off by C.

MerflftBE.ScerbeCPA NEED CASH? Fleet a CLASSIFIED ad and make a httie profit tefima the item vov don't need. CALL 366-4222 AVON Buy or Sett. Average $6-8Hr plus benefits. Only SS la tom plus ra-ceim free samples. Call today: PessalcGarfteid 470-0171 Passaic PkRuthLynd 471-4781 Clifton 472-8310 Paterson 684-5224 LodiSaddlo Brook 478-5719 BAKERS HELPER WANTED FT.

Apply: Lakevtew Bakery, M3 Lakoview Avo. Clifton 772-3837. BAffi OPPORTUNITIES We havt positkm available in our Little FplltWrat Patorson branch. Position include BANK TELLERS Full A Part Time; SECRETARY RECEPTIONISTS, gxcpitont appearance and good typing ability required. Will coraider trainsu.

We otter full company paid tarafit, pnd an excaitont starting salary. For immsdiatt oomdaratiM call or visit: THE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY Little Fads Branch: Caldor Shopping Center Route 48 West Little Fans. NJ 07424 830-1500 Equal Opportunity EmptoW MF BANQUET WAITERWAITRESS PT weekends. Apply in person after 5pm, San Carle Restaurant, 820 Stuwesant Ava, Lvndhorst BARMAI DB WANTED BMInguat. 7pm-3am.

Harry's Bar Mary St. Paterson. 6844641 8ARTENDERB-FULL TIME Nights. Lon's Place 428 East 18th. Street Paterson.

Apply after 2pm. BARTENDER WANTED PART TIME NIGHTS CALL 4784600 SATCHMAKERCHEMtCALOPER. Applications art now btmg accepted tor entry level positions. Only responsible applicants need apply. Wa era a rapidly growing company with good benefits.

Apply In person at 134 Clinton Read Fairfield NJ between toem-Jpm BEAUTICIAN Full time. 4 days week. Exp'd to taka ever following. Must knew sett. Call 278-8723.

BICYCLE MECH A COUNTERHELP Experienced. or PT. Apply: Chiton Speed Center 1074 Main Ava Clifton 7773512. BILLING CLERK ttfcCbPTtONtST FT exp'd Miter needed. Must be responsible, end have good typing skills.

Company located in Passaic. Please call 779-7888 lor eept. BOILER OPERATOR 2nd shift Blue Seal reo' d. Storting rate 511.32 per hr. Reply to: BOX 9428 ce North Jersey Herald 4 News PO Box 1019 Passaic 07055.

BOOKKEEPER Diversified position. One-write system. Invoicing AR some tola-phone. 9-5. Cell 227-3414 Ralph L.

Brass 4 Co. BOOKKEEPER HELPER Good with figures. 1 write system. Herts, Pessete 777-1879 BOOKKEEPER-Muiti co oeer. in Clifton aree seeks full charge self-motiveted exp'd indiv to handle duties thru gen ledger.

IBM PC exp nec. Please send resume incfdg salary retirement to: BOX 9459 ce No. Jersey Herald 4 News PO Box 1019, PesaioNJ 07055. BOOKKEEPERS AP S16.9K AR S16.9K ASST. BKKPR S20K 1 yr exp -I CRT to qualify! Large local co.

Exc. co. pd bnfts. All fees pd. 471-4050.

Snelling Snetling 1051 Blmfid Ava, CIMton 01 BOOKKEEPERS EXCBLUNT, LOCAL WORK! PREMIUM RAVI ALL SKILL LEVEL8I NO FEESNO CONTRACTS TEMPORARIES 42 CLIFTON AVE, CUFTON J73-39W 1700 RTE 13 NORTH, WAYNE 5334555 SO RTE 4 EAST, PARAMUS 1439300 BOOKKEEPERS FC Bookkeepers J20-26K Passaic Morris, 4 Essex companies seeking indlvs wsoiid bkkping bkgd. Some position! require supervisory sxa. PAYROLL MGR S20-26K Our cliMit, in Eual Bwgm count Ira are warcbing tar an axe tf pavroii oonoo for computariud mtv ic. lyre. oxo.

ARAP CLERKS S16-20K Savgral oaentnw in Paxiaic. Euex, Mom. D.rgti Counlie. tor Ctark. w5 mot.

bkgd in Accounting Dent. Soma eoutiore require CRT FarMorelntaCatlLana NEVERAFEE BOOKKEEPERS PLACE MEMBER OF BRADSTREET PERSONNEL GROUP 201-785-4747 Y3 Purler St, Totowg, NJ 07512 Dir byC Mertm4E ScertoCPA BOOKKEEPERS FC Moonachie Last one there tong term! Cost Acctg $23,000 Clifton Intaraefional core, afiica Cemeutarizsd conon-wnoiw AP Clifton $20,000 Soma acctt credit, ioaal AR East Rutti. 118,000 Ait toes paid by cog. IRWIN PERSONNEL 3D Howe, Paese 473-4617 -smee 1914 CLERICALS PART TIME 5-10PM DAYEVENINGSHIFT TDS a retail distribution center is currently seeking dependable self motivated individuals to perform various office functions. Applicants should possess good math aptitude, curte-ous telephone skills the ability to work well alone.

Excell oppty to utilize your skills earn extra income. To arrange for a confidential interview call TDS 50 Rto 44Gordon Drive Totowa. NJ 07513 (Dir: Union Bivd South to Kings Rd. At Railroad tracks turn toft onto Gordon Dr. (Pli bus makra a (top at front door).

-EEOMP CLERICAL Well organired, hard working Individual to work tor swaator mfr. Dtvarufiad dutira. Will train. 1 Markat Passaic, NJ ask for Magda 777-4064. CLERKr-Diyqrsiftod otftca work.

Phono essential. Must be able to typ. Call 742-2750. CLERK, GENERAL Aselsf Offk Manager In customer service area. Must have typing kills figure aptitude, pleasant personality and enjoy diversified Full benefit package.

Please call 471-9050: GEMINI INDUSTRIES 215 EnflnRd, Clifton, NJ CLERK Good with figure. CRT exp helpful. Flexible lira. Min 40 hrs per week. Company paid bnft.

Call Pater O'Hara, 478-5000, ext 240 Eoual Opportunity Employer MF CLERK If you're ready to assume rosponsl-billies, wa offer an oopty to team microfilming, information retrieval froqi reederprinter 4 CRT date base entry. Ext co pd bntts. Scott Foresman 4 Co. 99 Bauer Dr, Oakland, NJ 07436, 337-5861, EOE CLERK tmtradlto aowvng In mir tost siupplns thtica Min 1 yr ott-lc A CRT exp. Familiarity with hipping grdore A bill of ladings atm 40 hr wrak.

Good starting sal-er bonefiti Call 9am 3am M. Barrientos 201334-9660 ESSELTEPENDAFLEX 300 Walsh Or, Parslpgany Equal Opportunity Emptoyor CLERK Part (into, ftoxibto hrs, awnings A smkands. Country Club atmosphere. Non-smokor. 330-1000 CLERKS FILE LIGHTTYPING $8.25 PER HR WITH OR WITHOUT CAR leewBeeMm Men Lra.pra Mwaa.gwgl 778-0011 rat Clifton Ava Clifton 210 Stuwesant Ava, Lvndhurst 575-4211 a Bloomfield Ave, Pine Brook 'i CLERKS (10) we new neeq vor your pphp kbit tor toodl bank Car no oao eaty.

April 4 A A 4gm to Oom. tto-tireea moal waipomed. 06 00 per BAKER TEKPS tOaCittton AvOaCbtton 77KX711 CLERK TYPISTCUSTOMER SVC Position avail wlndustrlal distributor. Diversified duties. Prefer local resIdent-Wevne area 4940040.

CLERK TYPISTtor orowino ca. In Fairfield. Oppty to teem computer. Diversified duties Including ea wiring phones A tiling. Flexible houri pension A profit shoring plan.

New Age Metal, 227-9254 CLERK TYPIST FT. Must have good typing skills and good phone manner. Too pay A bnfil Fairfield area Call tor Interview now! 2547770 CLERK TYPIST Light typing A filing. Roam tor advancement Should have pleasant telephone manner. Seceucut area Cell 3440400, Camille.

CLERKTYPISTSR. 237 per wk. FREE TUITION. Accurate typing req'd Clerical experience pref'd. Regular salary Increases.

Excellent Civil Service bnfts Including free family haalth 4 vision bnfts Dental elan also available 13 paid holiday, 3 wks pad vacaflonpersonal leave Lovely suburban campus. Apply to William Paterson Cotlega of NJ Personnel Office 300 Pompton Rd (thru Gate 2) Wayne, N.J 07470 Interviews 9-1 lam and I -3pm Monday thru Friday Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer PRODUCTION FOREMENW 3 SHIFTS REQUIREMENTS: Strong Bupervlaory akllla Itochanlcal aptttud Minimum 3 yaara axparianca a Spanish helpful CALL OH APPLY loudly ywThndijMIMWI POYER CONVERSION SBoumarPlaca Elmwood Park, NJ. (201)796-3310 quHOiqitmutdtr Emptorar DRIVER COUNTER PERSON Full time, S200 per week to start. Apply Gavins, 27 East 33rd. Street.

Paterson No Phone calls DRIVER Experienced driver needed immediately tor Fairfield carpet distributor. Knowledge of metro ere end forklift us a Phis. We otter excellent starting ret with hospitalization, maior med. paid holidays end sick days. Must apply person.

Warehouse entrance. Apollo Distributing. 129 Passaic Avenue. Fairfield. DRIVER For 22 truck.

Deliveries in tri-state area. All benefits co. paid. Must have clean driving record. H.

Betti-Industnes, 6 Empire Bivd Moona-chte, NJ. 440-2200. DRIVER Herdweromdustrial supplies seeks driverstock person tor FT veer around amptovment. Good driving record required. Call Drew 777-3133.

DRIVER PT.Tues, Wed. Thur eve, 6 hrs per week, spendable. $40 per week clear. CaU 7794322 DRIVER -Road work-must have good driving record and machinery hauling exp. Excel equipment, bntts.

incentive programs Celt 694-5400. DRIVER Seeking experienced driver tor smell truck. Must have a good clean safety record with knowledge of the New Jersey area. Calf M. MUSIK (201)742-3900 Equal Opportunity Employer MF DRIVERS Needed for delivery routes In J.

Clean license end good handwriting necessary. Good starting salary. COMPUTAX ISO Commerce Road Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 857-5300 Equal Opportunity Emptoyor DRIVERS-PARTTIME For school bus charters and Hmoa. Type I bus lie. and good driving record reoulred.

GOOD PAY Apply at GARD AUTO SERVICE. 214. Main Avenue Clifton (near Route DRIVERS Positions available for pert time drivers. Articulated license helpful. Hours flexible.

Apply in person at Bonland Industries 1 50 Newark-Pompton Turnpike Wayne, New Jersey Equal Opportunity Employer MP DRIVSSS SCHOOL Bi-WVAK, jgogbr PT FT avail Will trpui if qual Wood-R tribe. DRIVER STOCK PERSON KIANTEDT, FT, for II daflvqrtoq to rag auto (rang Collage aty danto, rattraaa watoqtoa whandp OT atoo ava. (Amo opoiya to admnee to eatoe) Kitowleage NJ, metra area reqd. Bury a of Paaqato, 777-184 DRIVERS Van drivers needed for school rts morning andor eft noon rts avail. Co pd driving training course provided 4 lie refund.

Good starting sei 4 Incent program, Exceil oooty for homemakers 4 fixed income. For more details call 256-7450. DRIVERS WANTED Delivering produce. Must have clean driving record. Call 742-2261 between 92.

DRIVERBWAREHOUSC Experienced drivers with deed driving record end warehouse help wonted Must be familiar with NJ and NY area. Neat aopeerance ambitious and dependebia. CALL 774-2740 DRIVER Tractor Drlvor. Local worn witty owrtlmt, year round. Call Sltoi af444.S42.

DRIVER WANTED For shop in Cttfton. PT. lorn 8pm Uta delivery 4 pick Up. Good drtvtng record req d. 772-4421, anytime DRIVERWAREHOUSE Needed for busy battery distrlb tor.

Must know NJ Brooklyn, Staten Island 4 have clean driving record. Bondebi. Excellent pay 4 compeny paid benefits 4 uniforms. Ceil Mon-Fri, 9-4om, 667-4555 DRUOUQUOR STORK Seeks ambitious deoendeote per-son. FT perm position, Bnfts Ind pd mad Insur, Driver's Me req'd.

Must be bi-Mnguai 742-7725 EDM OPERATORTOOL 4 DIE MAKER ClM A exp on ell typ ot dies, repairing die sections 4 inserts. Ail bnfts. Ceil for appt. Richfield Coined Products Seddte Brook 7727672. ELECTRICAL HELPER 2 vrs min exp Cell 777-5943.

ELECTRICAL SUPPLY COUNTER PERSON Electrical supply co. looking for counter person to learn electrical supply trade Exp pref, but not nec. Apply in person 9-2, Mon-Fri. Joyce Electrical Supply, 1094 Main Ave, Clifton electrician mechanic EXPERIENCED ONLY in commercial 4 residential. Good starting selery.

1814935 otter 6pm QUALITY CONTROL OPPORTUNITIES AT POWER CONVERSION INCOMING INSPECTOR: Mu bte to read Muriprlnti and its measuring tnstru-imntt. Previous incoming DC axparianca required TECHNICIANS: Mint Interpret triuoprints. use small measuring instruments, bo good with figures, and speak English Previous QC xperienc required Vocational or technical school desired. ENTKY LEVEL-INSPECTORS: let, 2nd and 3rd ahdta avaW-abfa Must speak, read and wme English, and ba good with figures Light experience helpful, but not required. APPLY IN PERSON Monday tore Tbmday Mpn POWER CONVERSION I lownar Ptaet Elmwood Part, NJ.

EOE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE BOOKKEEPER Expandme Fairfield company with excellent working conditions and benefits. Some exp on computerised system needed. 51M00. HOLM PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS. 113S Clifton Avo.

Clrf-ton, 700535. ACCOUNTS PAY CLERK Reotdly growing audio visual mfg company seeks rap'd AP Clark. Knowledge gf computer helpful, will tram- nualifled aopt leant. Pleasant working conditions excellent company benefits. Apply in parson or call tor an aunt.

BUHL INDUSTRIES 1441 Maple Avt. Fair Lawn. NJ 422-2000 Accounts Receivable Credit Clerk Min vrs exp. Accts RaeWvablt credit A collection, open new accts. check references, credit check or decs, maintain a number ot accts, col lection, etc For mom info, ptaase call Personnel Keystone Camera Corp 474 Getty Avo Clittoa NJ 07S15 54-200e in eoueloopty employer (MF) ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CASH APPLICATION Large mfg co ki Clifton seeks H.S.

grad with yean previous AR exp. Duties Include posting cash receipts on CRT; reconsilins to AR trial balance. For interview asgt, contact Personnel: 1 Keystone Camera Corp 474 Getty Avg Clittoa NJ 07015 5440-2000 on equal oooty employer (MF) ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Leading mfr located In Northern NJ seeks a sett-motivated Individual with at least 2 yean exp. AR. This diversified position otter tremendous growth potential.

Typing and CRT txperienca a must. Salary commensurate with exp. Call Ms. Churn, or Mr. Petrtcca at 4044000 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Entry leva), will train on CRT.

Must be good wttgures and have light typing exp. Phone: Ron Szakacs. Wil-mon Inc Faifield, tor details and Ot. (201) 227-7200 Equal Opportunity Employer MF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Engineering co toe In Meadowlands area it seeking an Admin Asst to the MrktgSaiea Mngr. Previous Admin exp essential.

Organisational ability, good iudgement A axe typing skills rap'd. PC exp a Send resume A salary requirements to: P.O. Box 4502, Carlstadt, 07072. ADMINISTRATIVE ASST No exp nec, acidly growing. small Clifton co.

seexa enthusiastic parson to learn all aspects ot off lea operation. Excell career oppty. 544-3532 AOVERTISINGMARKETING JUSTSTARTINGOUT IN THE BUSINESS WORLD? Local mid sized mfg firm has immed entry level positions avail in many deots. Ideal candidate would be someone starting gut In the business world whttl or no ex oer, but lots of enthusiasm. Excell income A bntts.

16K-29K FIRST YEAR Call tor Interview 750-1441 x240 AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE MECHANIC-Mfn 3 yrs exp for steady! yr round work. Paid vacation, BCBS, profit sharing. Call 140042447 for aopt. AIRLINES NOW HIRING. Flight Attendants.

Travel Agents, Mechanic, Customer Servlet Listings. Salaries to S50K. Entry level positions 4054474000 Ext. A-1M1I AMBULANCE ATTENDANT Am-snog now ooeepttng aopttcm bond tor ENT A Poimere, ot poetbom, lop oelory, tuk mod oov-arena pd vac. Advanoemont oppty tnttwaexpandln900.P11O.7i7i.

AQUATICS FT paatttoa Mutt have ALB. andor W.8.I. The Peeeilo Cktlon VMYWHA. CpH 770-2IW2. ASSEMBLER ELECTRONIC Our ca needs FP tone person to work on PC boord wirina and diversified duties.Good working conditions.

Voarly raises. BC A BS, life Insurance to FT gmptoyees, hrs 1.004 30. Call Loar mto, Fair, Held, 575-1434. ASSEMBLER Growing Co. looking tor Individual wtlb mechanical interest.

Willing to train. All bntts Co. paid. Totowt area. Call Oaven Industries 745-104) ASSEMBLER Our production dept needs one more mechanics! assembler who will learn our product lino ot air craft galley Insert saulpment In 34 days.

Well estab'd ca wbenetits. Cell Prod Mgr, Joe Beamon, 575-1515 ASSEMBLERS Full time positions avail In Emerson for lit assembly work. Exp helpful, will tram. Competitive salary, bntts Call 241-21N). ASDCmCLERS garieiiu pay yiATE AeeinNMkNTB- WeFkLV PAYCht-CK8 shifts available NO FE ESNO CONTRACTS TEMPORARIES (42 CLIFTON AVE, CLIFTON 472 300 1704 RTE 23 NOR TH, WAYNE 4334555 4434304 nuvwiiuLLnu $PF'3 HAS ARHIVED! Earn X-tra money as a temporary production assembler on our day SKIN: 7 30AM4 00PM, Monoey thru Friday.

No axoanence necessary. Apply In parson 4AM4PM. inatnn pan inr-iu, liiln Thornton head Oakland, 0743B North Jeraey llwrold New CUpaLiedp ar Bt SeUera Vltitm oaM today! Call 353-3222 ASSISTANT CUSTOMS BORDER SUPERVISOR Hackensack Internationa company requires a parson with experience in a computerized enter entry A shi Doing dept. Ability to process customer orders A invoices. Typing a must.

Excellent salary A benefit package. Send resume A salary requirements to: BOX 4452, North Jersey Herald A News, PAL Box OI. Passaic. NJ. 47055 ASSISTANT DUPLICATOR Video taps duplication, established wnatio nel exposure.

Exuer. belptuk but not nec. Pay comma surato wexoar. Call or lend resume to Video Image Product kn, 23 Commerce Rd Fairfield, NJ 47044. 4824330 esk tor Burt.

ASSISTANT MANAGER Retail lingerie shoo In mini mall. Exp prat'd but wilt train. Salary negotiable. Call tor Interview, 2274071 ASSISTANT MGR TRAINEE Fast growing retail lewelrv chain Making assistant mgr. trainee.

Exd career opty. Jewelry sales exp. nec. Exeat selery, benefits and commission Call Viler 807-7610. ATTENDANTS Van con aam 1254 par week plus bps.

QUICKWAY CAR CARE CENTER, 250 Rt 17 South, LeiS, NJ, 8434005 AUTO ASSISTANT MANAGER Bergen County'i newest car wash. 542005. AUTO BILLING CLERK For busy auto dealership. Experienced in all phases gf MV A title work required. Neat, accurate typist with good clerical skills.

Will consider extremely bright beginner. Good working conditions A bntts. pkg. Call KATHY OR GERT lor aopt, 779-7400, FETTE FORD Junction Rts 3 45 Clifton AUTO BODY PAINTER'S HELPERS NEEDED WiH train. Call 843-3322 AUTO BODY PAINTER Exp.

necessary. Bnfts uniforms 4 pood working conditions. 478-7400 AUTO BOOV REPAIR SHOP Modem facility seeks bodypersort salary based on exp. Tools necessary. Stckdey A vacation.

471-5428 AUTO DEALERSHIP BODY SHOP FOREMANW Immediate opening for working foremanw who la tekecharge type parson with AS years experience. In addition to an axcellent starting salary you will share In the profits generated by suoer busy shop. Full benefits Including sick day hoaaitaliiatloa paid vacations, company profit sharing A moral Exceiiant working conditions in modern facility. For Immediate interview contact Glen Dougherty at: KAYTESFORD 1341 Rt 23, Butler AUTO HELP NEEDED MEDIATELY Subaru Mechanics Subaru Salespeople Used Car Mechanics All bntts. Exceil pay plan, good working cond.

Call Bob Lesko Sr, or Bob Ltako Jr, Wayne Subaru, 835-4740. AUTO MECHANIC WE Excell bntts, co bald schooling, co paid cart test, fully eeuippad shop wcomoutenzed eoulp. If you are top notch A looking for future, come work tor tho best. We We promote from within. GOODYEAR PARAMUS, ROUTE 17 CALL MR DEAN, 4474330 PATERSON CALL MR.

JAMES 279-1800 1 AUTO MECHANIC NEEDED Must have tools tod mstor repair experience, to wort for mod car dealership Call $44-3492 AUTO MECHANIC Immed opening tor a Class A or Mechanic Full service shop. Must have tods. Excel pay. 258-5001. AUTO MECHANICS A MECHANICS HELPER for brake A muffler shop Cell Gall at 779 4880.

AUTO MECHANIC Are you petting paid what youra worth? Call Nick $95-7648 AUTO MECHANICMANAGER Min yrs exp. Salary opto. ExcaH oppty, bntts Call 777-2001 AUTO MECHANIC Soma computer know! prat'd tor Christian euto repair firm AUTOMOTIVE COUNTER PERSON Exp ami. Inquire Chftofi Aula Ports, 1 103 Mwn Avo. AUTOMOTIVE TIRE PERSON Experienced, reliable for sanitation Good salary.

Cali 814-1488. AUTO NEW CAR CHECKER CLEAN-UP Reliable Individual needed Immediately for preparation procedures tor new car dept pnd "Check-in" procedures of new vehicles from factory. Experience preferred but will train the right person. Top pv full compeny benefits excellent working conditions and much morel for immediate Interview contact Jock Nausch at: KAYTES FORD 1301 Rt 23, Butler, 03841800. AUTO OR.

CHANGE TECMMCtANB Bergen County's newest sendee comer. QUICKWAY CAR CARE CENTER, 258 RL 17 South. Lodi 043-0005 AUTO CHANCE MECHANIC Exp prat'd to change oil on oil can. Must bo reitsoe Full time. Call bw lam-12 noon, 77241 AUTO OIL CHANGE MANAGER Bergen County's newest A largest facility 0434095.

AUTO PARTS COUNTER PERSON Em Good pay, bntts. Call Stove 04pm AUTOPARTS DRIVER Chevrolet parts deaai tmenl driver for smell van to matte local deliveries. Must have valid NJ drivers license. All benefits. Coll Don Lett.

939-2500. AUTO RECEPTIONIST CUSTOMER RELATIONS Aggressive fndi-vtouef to handle customers In auto ervtco center. Cali Gi 7794898 Lost and Found LOST Cat. S900 Reward. Wood-Ridgt vicinity.

Female, all black, long hair. Paws Ilka mitten. Answers to Jezabell. Call Patty 035-2234 or 471-3335. LOST Orange A white sm mala cat, wry friendly.

Lost In Haskell Reward. Please call 0314315. Personals ESP Card readmes by Ann. Bv appointment 274107 IMMIGRATION LAW Green Cards Visas Labor Carts REASONABLE RATES Robert L. Berlin, Ally at Law 47 Orient Way, RuttiFd 430-5400 KRS.

CHANGERS Psychic readings. Advise on oil attain ot llto. Also card readings. 30 yrs exp Prlv. A confidential 3454741 SWEDISH MASSAGE 10 off with this Ad.

"(Female attendants) 45-2387 Connsctions It ATTENTION! Toredy toeCONNECTIONS NJHN BOX adr tend to: The North Jersey Herald Newt P.O. Box 1019. Panatc NJ 07055 WE WANT YOU! STEADY WORK 3 SHIFTS WEEKENDS, OVERTIME 4 BONUS PLANS WE WILL TRAIN BI-LINGUAL STAFF COMPANY PAID INSURANCE We are a battery manufacturer, a half hour west of the GW Bridge. Apply in person, Mon. thru 9-1.

Proper ID required. NO PHONE CALLS. Help Wanted 20 ACCOUNTANT- BOOKKEEPER Experience required. Outlet Include posting to general ledger with FC knowledge ot spread sheet ep-plieetton. Send resume A salary requirement to: Personnel Dipt.

P.O Box 1707, Clifton, NJ Eouei Opportunity Emetover MF ACCOUNTANT, JR. Past Browing women's wear co. needs self-starting mdtv. to handle -diversified accounting functions including gccount analysis GL A bank rocs. salary A bnft package.

For immediate conxjra-hon, call Mrs Apito at 935-4350. ACCOUNTING BILLER Ooeortuntty lor person with so nice experience. Figurg aptitude necessary. Light typing or CRT hetotul. Full benefit package.

Please call 4714050: GEMINI INDUSTRIES 215 EotlnRd, Clifton, NJ ACCOUNTING CLERK Person needed to me, mein A upon. company's Internal records. Requires good aotitudo for hgurat A detail Accounting A CRT exp plus. Excel I oooty tor right person. FuMy paid bntts Come in A fill out aopncetion at- aoo Rt 44 Clittoa NJ Ask tor Joe Swiatek Enuai Oocprtunity imXnrer HINTS PAYABLE CLERK-8R.

knowledoe ot comouferued iWem, 2-3 yrs exp with pay-krxMvledoe at multl-comoany izattomrAbie to taka charge if 4 In need ot aggressive mdnr in growm oorl. Some IF. Saiary commensurate xp. Call 3440, Carreue lYtwcr (mvcr-ton liw. S-Ql aomcai1 3BOUMAR PLACE ELMWOOD PARK, NJ.


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.